Create realistic experiences, fast

Figma’s prototyping tools make it easy to build and share high-fidelity, no-code, interactive prototypes. Design and prototype, all in Figma.

Four shapes in <a href=Figma bounding boxes connected as a prototype" width="540" height="540" />

Trusted by teams at

Bring designs to life—before development

Express your full vision with no-code prototypes so that there’s no guesswork for developers about how an experience should look and feel.

Design and prototype in one place

Edit everything in context, then immediately play and preview your prototypes on canvas for fast feedback loops and rapid iterations.

Create rich, animated prototypes in a few clicks

Automatically switch between variants with interactive components, so you can create more animations in fewer steps.

A button is <a href=selected and a window of advanced prototyping features is open to the right" width="780" height="624" />

Make even complex interactions feel real

Create detailed experiences with fewer frames using variables, conditional logic, and mathematical expressions.