
ATTENTION: Beginning July 5, 2024, the City of Dublin will be implementing a new system to streamline the existing application, permitting, and licensing process. Please go to to start your application.

Dublin Public Works Permitting and Plan Review Process

The Public Works Department continues business operations and City staff and contractors will conduct plan review and permit issuance. The Department will be making a few adjustments to its permitting process in order to best serve the community:

The City requires all permit applicants to submit documents/plans electronically.

At this time, all payments must be submitted via check, made payable to “City of Dublin”, indicating the permit number in the memo field. A permit number shall be assigned to an application shortly after receipt of the submittal. Send checks by mail to:

ATTN: Permit Staff
City of Dublin Public Works Department
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568

Please check back as these processes may change as additional resources become available.

Any questions or concerns regarding these interim changes can be forwarded to

Please submit all Public Works permit applications to

Emergency Work:

You must notify the Public Works Department and inspector by phone (925-833-6630) the day emergency work is done and submit a permit application within five (5) business days confirming the work performed (Dublin Municipal Code Section 7.04.020.B).

Encroachment Permits

An encroachment permit is required for any work performed in the public right of way, as specified in Chapter 7.04 of the Dublin Municipal Code. Examples of work requiring an encroachment permit includes, but is not limited to:

Note: On most streets, the public right of way extends approximately eight feet (8') from the face of curb.

Grading & Sitework Permits

A grading or sitework permit may be required for work on private property which includes (but is not limited to):

Personal Wireless Service Facility Permits

A personal wireless service facility permit is required to construct, install, modify, or maintain a personal wireless service facility within, upon, over, or under the limits of any street in the city, as required by Article IV of Chapter 7.04 of the Ordinance Code.

Saturday and Holiday Work Permits

Please note a new process has been implemented for all future Saturday and Holiday Work Permits, effective November 7, 2014. See attached memo.

Transportation Permits

A transportation permit is required for vehicles or loads that exceed the maximum allowable California Vehicle Code (CVC) dimensions (width, length, height, and overhand). The purpose of issuing the permit is to ensure that appropriate routes are used, based upon the truck route map , and to keep track of large vehicles which may damage City facilities.

Film / Photography Permits

A film / photography permit is required to film, still or motion pictures, on public property or within public right of way which includes (but is not limited to):

The basic fee provides for Public Works inspection of traffic control and site restoration. Additional fees may apply depending on the scope of the project, such as the number of days and locations. Activities in parks or buildings are subject to the established fees for the use of those facilities.

Miscellaneous Permits

A miscellaneous permit is required for a variety of reviews such as an A mended Map, Certificate of Correction, Grant Deed / Grant of Easement (No Improvement Plans), Certificate of Compliance / Merger / Parcel Map Waiver, Warranty Inspection & Project Closeout, Street Vacation / Abandonment, COA Compliance Review (No Improvement Plans), Single Parcel Review (No Improvement Plans), and Final Map or Parcel Map (No Improvement Plans).

For More Information

To determine whether you need a permit, please email the Engineering Department of Public Works at . Thank you!