This course focuses on Android Development. But what is Android?
Android is an operating system. That is, it’s software that connects hardware to software and provides general services. But more than that, it’s a mobile specific operating system: an OS designed to work on mobile (read: handheld, wearable, carry-able) devices.
If you’re going to develop systems for Android, it’s good to have some familiarity with the platform and its history, if only to give you perspective on how and why the framework is designed the way it is.
As of 2016, this program has been superceded by the Pixel range of devices.
In short, Google keeps pushing the platform wider so it includes more and more capabilities.
Today, Android is incredibly popular (to put it mildly). Android is incredibly popular! (see e.g., here, here, and here)
Android has gone through a large number of “versions” since it’s release:
Date | Version | Nickname | API Level |
Sep 2008 | 1.0 | Android | 1 |
Apr 2009 | 1.5 | Cupcake | 3 |
Sep 2009 | 1.6 | Donut | 4 |
Oct 2009 | 2.0 | Eclair | 5 |
May 2010 | 2.2 | Froyo | 8 |
Dec 2010 | 2.3 | Gingerbread | 9 |
Feb 2011 | 3.0 | Honeycomb | 11 |
Oct 2011 | 4.0 | Ice Cream Sandwich | 14 |
July 2012 | 4.1 | Jelly Bean | 16 |
Oct 2013 | 4.4 | KitKat | 19 |
Nov 2014 | 5.0 | Lollipop | 21 |
Oct 2015 | 6.0 | Marshmallow | 23 |
Aug 2016 | 7.0 | Nougat | 24 |
Mar 2017 | O preview | Android O Developer Preview |
Each different “version” is nicknamed after a dessert, in alphabetica order. But as developers, what we care about is the API Level, which indicates what different programming interfaces (classes and methods) are available to use.
Additionally, Android is an “open source” project released through the “Android Open Source Project”, or ASOP. You can find the latest version of the operating system code at; it is very worthwhile to actually dig around in the source code sometimes!
While new versions are released fairly often, this doesn’t mean that all or even many devices update to the latest version. Instead, users get updated phones historically by purchasing new devices (every 18m on average in US). Beyond that, updates—including security updates—have to come through the mobile carriers, meaning that most devices are never updated beyond the version that they are purchases with.
When discussing Android history, we would be remiss if we didn’t mention some of the legal battles surrounding Android. The biggest of these is Oracle v Google. In a nutshell, Oracle claims that the Java API is copyrighted (that the method signatures themeselves and how they work are protected), so because Google uses that API in Android, Google is violating the copyright. In 2012 a California federal judge decided in Google favor (that one can’t copyright an API). This was then reversed by the Federal Circuit court in 2014. The verdict was appealed to the Supreme courset in 2015, who refused to hear the case. It then went back to the the district court, which ruled that Google’s use of the API was fair use. See for a summary, as well as
There have been other legal challenges as well. While not directly about Android, the other major relevant court battle is Apple v Samsung. In this case, Apple claims that Samsung infringed on their intellectual property (their design patents). This has gone back and forth in terms of damages and what is considered infringing; the latest development is that the Supreme Court heard the case and sided with Samsung that infringing design patents shouldn’t lead to damages in terms of the entire device… it’s complicated (the author is not a lawyer).
So overall: Android is a growing, evolving platform that is embedded in and affecting the social infrastructures around information technology in numerous ways.
Developing Android applications involves interfacing with the Android platform and framework. Thus you need a high level understanding of the architecture of the Android platform. See for more details.
Android Architecture (image from: hub4tech)
Like so many other systems, the Android platform is built as a layered architecture:
There are two programming languages we will be working with in this course:
As stated above, we will write code in Java and XML. But how does that code get run on the phone’s hardware?
Pre-Lollipop (5.0), Android code ran on Dalvik: a virtual machine similar to the JVM used by Java SE.
A developer would write Java code, which would then be compiled into JVM bytecode, which would then be translated into DVM (Dalvik virtual machine) bytecode, that could be run on Android devices. This DVM bytecode was stored in .dex or .odex (“[Optimized] Dalvik Executable”) files, which is what was loaded onto the device. The process of converting from Jave code to dex files is called “dexing” (so code that has been built is “dexed”).
Dalvik does include JIT (“Just In Time”) compilation to native code that runs much faster than the code interpreted by the virtual machine, similar to the Java HotSpot. This navite code is faster because no translation step is needed to talk to the actual hardware (the OS).
From Lollipop (5.0) on, Android instead uses Android Runtime (ART) to run code. ART’s biggest benefit is that it compiles the .dex bytecode into native code on installation using AOT (“Ahead of Time”) compilation. ART continues to accept .dex bytecode for backwards compatibility (so the same dexing process occurs), but the code that is actually installed and run on a device is native. This allows for applications to have faster execution, but at the cost of longer install times—but since you only install an application once, this is a pretty good trade.
After being built, Android applications (the source, dexed bytecode, and any resources) are packaged into .apk files. These are basically zip files (they use the same gzip compression); if you rename the file to be .zip and you can unpackage them! The .apk files are then cryptographically signed to specify their authenticity, and either “side-loaded” onto the device or uploaded to an App Store for deployment.
To summarize, in addition to writing Java and XML code, when building an App you need to:
There are a lot of steps here, but there are tools that take care of it for us. We’ll just write Java and XML code and run a “build” script to do all of the steps!
There are a number of different hardware and software tools you will need to do Android development:
Since Android code is written for a virtual machine anyway, Android apps can be developed and built on any computer’s operating system (unlike some other mobile OS…).
But obviously Android apps will need to be run on Android devices. Physical devices are the best for development (they are the fastest, easiest way to test), though you’ll need USB cable to be able to wire your device into your computer. Any device will work for this course; you don’t even need cellular service (just WiFi should work). Note that if you are unfamiliar with Android devices, you should be sure to play around with the interface to get used to the interaction language, e.g., how to click/swipe/drag/long-click elements to use an app.
If you don’t have a physical device, it is also possible to use the Android Emulator, which is a “virtual” Android device. The emulator represents a generic device with hardware you can specify… but it does have some limitations (e.g., no cellular service, no bluetooth, etc).
Software needed to develop Android applications includes:
I recommend making sure that the SDK command-line tools are installed. Put the tools and platform-tools folders on your computer’s PATH ; you can run adb to check that everything works. All of these tools are built into the IDE, but they can be useful fallbacks for debugging.
As a final introductory steps, this lecture will walk you through creating and running a basic App so that you can see what you will actually be working with. You will need to have Android Studio installed for this to work.
We can run our app by clicking the “Play” or “Run” button at the top of the IDE. But we’ll need a device to run the app on, so let’s make an emulator!
The Nexus 5 is a good choice for supporting “older” devices. The new Pixel is also a reasonable device to test against.
After the emulator boots, you can slide to unlock, and there is our app!
So what does our app look like in code? What do we have?
Note that Android Studio by default shows the “Android” view, which organizes files thematically. If you go to the “Project” view you can see what the actual file system looks like. In Android view, files are organized as follows:
Note that ANT would instead give:
We’re using Gradle, but it is good to be aware of ANT stuff for legacy purposes
We can also consider what the application code does. While we’ll revisit this in more detail in the next lecture, it’s useful to start seeing how the framework is structured:
We’ll start with the MyActivity Java source file. This class extends Activity (actually it extends a subclass that supports Material Design components), allowing us making our own customizations to what the app does.
In this class, we override the onCreate() method that is called by the framework when the Activity starts (see next lecture).
R.layout refers to the “layout” XML resource, so can go there (remember: inside res/ ). Opening these XML files they appear in a “design” view. This view lets you use a graphical system to lay out your application (similar to a PowerPoint slide).
In the code view, we can see the XML: tags, attributes, values. Tags nested inside one another. The provided XML code defines a layout, and inside that is a TextView (a View representing some text), which has a value: text! We can change that and then re-run the app to see it update!
Finally, as a fun demonstration, try to set an icon for the App (in Android Studio, go to: File > New > Image Asset )