I have a pdf document, and I want to print it as a booklet, i.e. two pages of the document on each side of a sheet of paper and so that (when printed) the entire thing can just be folded in the middle to create a small booklet. How can I do this easily?
asked Nov 9, 2010 at 10:42 Juan A. Navarro Juan A. Navarro 2,060 8 8 gold badges 26 26 silver badges 35 35 bronze badgesFor a free and universal alternative you can use the pdfbook script, part of the pdfjam collection which is usually included in LaTeX distributions (notably MacTeX). It's simple to use from the command line:
pdfbook mypdf.pdf
If the above doesn't work, then /Library/TeX/texbin isn't in your PATH (or /usr/texbin for older versions of MacTeX). The best course of action is to ensure PATH is correctly set (lots of command line programs will fail if the PATH variable isn't correct and pdfbook is one of them); this isn't trivial under OS X if you want a consistent behavior between applications launched from the dock and applications run from a terminal so you definitely should search a complete solution to this specific problem. As dirty work-around, you can run export PATH="$PATH:/Library/TeX/texbin:/usr/texbin" every time before you use pdfbook (including in the service below).
If you don't want to use the command line, you can create a service easily.
My complete script also creates a temporary file and opens the resulting PDF:
TMPF=`mktemp -t bookletXXXX` mv "$TMPF" "$TMPF.pdf" pdfbook -o "$TMPF.pdf" "$@" open "$TMPF.pdf"
The most obvious problem is the several GB download and installation of a LaTeX distribution if all you want is the pdfbook script.