ICSE Grading System and Pattern

The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education popularly known as ICSE conducts ICSE Class 10 board exam. The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education has been designed to provide an exam in the course of general education, according to the New Education Policy 1986, through English medium. The ICSE exam focuses on a student’s overall growth, so it provides a balanced curriculum to all its learners.

ICSE Class 10 is a turning point for students where they need to concentrate on their studies. Class 10 is considered the groundwork for students for their higher levels. To score well in ICSE Class 10 exam, students should begin their preparation from the start of the academic year. So, they should be guided with proper study materials such as ICSE Class 10 syllabus, sample papers, solutions, important questions, etc. We at BYJU’S help students in getting these essential study materials prepared by our highly skilled subject experts.

ICSE students are awarded grades as well as marks. The ICSE Grading system ranges from 1 to 9. Pass certificates will be awarded to those candidates who write for six subjects and attain pass marks in at least five subjects, which must include the subject English. ICSE exam divides the ICSE Grading system, which ranges from 1 being the highest and 9 the lowest. Very good is indicated by grades 1 and 2. Grades 3, 4 and 5 indicate a pass with credit, 6 and 7 indicate a pass and 8 and above a failure. Socially Useful Productive Work and Community Service will be shown on the result sheets by grades A, B, C, D or E. A being the highest and E the lowest. A, B, C or D indicate a pass and E a failure.

In the table provided below, we have mentioned ICSE Grading System. Students of ICSE Class 10 will be awarded Pass Certificates based on this range of Grades for both internal as well as external examination.

ICSE Grading System (Internal and External)

    1. External Examination

    Attainment in a subject is indicated by a grade, of which Grade 1 is the highest and Grade 9 is the lowest; only Grades 1 to 7 are recorded on certificates. The interpretation of the grades is as follows:

    Grade Standard
      1. Internal Assessment

      The standard attained in Socially Useful Productive Work and Community Service abbreviated on the face of the Certificate as SUPW and COMMUNITY SERVICE is indicated by a letter grade, of which Grade A is the highest and Grade E is the lowest. Only Grades A to D are recorded in Certificates. The interpretation of the grades is as follows.

      Grade Standard
      A Very Good
      B Good
      C Satisfactory
      D Fair
      E Fail

      Stay tuned with BYJU’S to get latest notification related to ICSE and students can also access necessary study materials such as sample papers, important questions, ICSE Class 10 Syllabus, etc.

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