subscribe and we will send you a reminder when important tax dates are approaching." />
The due dates for tax payments are printed on the coupons attached to the bottom of the bill. Full payment must be made by the due date in order to be credited on time. No partial payments will be accepted. Payments for less than the amount due at the time of payment will be returned to the maker. A penalty and administrative cost will be assessed for payments received late.
Mail your check using the return envelope provided with your bill. Do not send cash! Payments must be for the full amount on the stub. The first stub must be used for payment before the second stub. Send both stubs if paying the entire bill at one time.
If sending multiple checks for payment, the total must equal the amount due and all checks must be enclosed with the stub(s) in the same envelope. Send only the payment coupon with your check. Keep the remainder of the tax bill for your records. Please do not staple, fold, paper clip, tape, or glue the check to the coupon nor write on the coupon.
If you do not have a tax bill, but know the parcel number or assessee account number, you may mail a payment without an original tax bill as long as the parcel number or assessee account number is on the face of the check(s). You may also use the stubs from the printed bill after searching for your parcel number under Account Lookup. Always use the original stubs if they are available.
Alameda County Treasurer & Tax Collector
1221 Oak Street, Room 131
Oakland, CA 94612
Treasurer Tax Collector, Alameda County
Your canceled check is your receipt. Within a week, verify that your check clears with your bank. In addition, verify the posting of your tax payment at this website by clicking on "Account Lookup" and entering the parcel number or assessee account number.
Note: U.S. postmarks (not metered dates) are used to determine whether payments are timely and whether penalties are due (State Revenue & Taxation Code section 2512). Mail-in payments will be returned if the amount of the check(s) is not equal to the amount due at the time of receipt, or if there is not sufficient billing information for which the payment is intended.
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